Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Happy Flies

Whilst pegging out some washing yesterday,
I noticed these two little creatures quietly purched
upsidedown on the clothes line.
I swear they had a cheeky grin on their happy little faces.
They were there for well over an hour...!

Tuesday, February 02, 2010


A Funny (to me at least) mens Doubles name
abreviations spotted during the
2010 Australian Open Tennis:

Bats on a wire #7

I spotted this bat in Stanmore, December 2009.
It had been there quite a while and had started to fall appart.

"The Goat" diorama

Some pics of my latest diorama, "The Goat".
It was in a group show at the
ESP Gallery in Marrickville in December 2009.